Kimberley Marine Research Conference to share insight into pristine and extreme environment

The WAMSI Kimberley Marine Research Conference (WA State Library 28-29 November) is all about emphasising the impact of science, from sharing the many new findings uncovered by the research program through to ensuring that science is best used by managers for the conservation and management of Australia’s far northwest marine environment.

We have invited government, Traditional Owners and industry stakeholders to discuss their marine research priorities and why these are important for  management of the marine environment. Researchers will present the results of their Kimberley science projects highlighting the foundational datasets that have been collected to underpin marine park, healthy country and marine resource management, detailing the ecosystem functioning and describing current and potential future human impacts, including climate change, in order to predict how management can support conservation in the region.

To wrap up we’ll hear from natural resource managers about the application of this information through joint management practices and conservation efforts.

The Kimberley Marine Research Program has provided us with an unprecedented insight into one of the most pristine and extreme environments in the world. Five years ago we didn’t know if marine life there was barely surviving or thriving. Our program has shown that many species have adapted over time and some have developed a high tolerance to the extreme conditions.

However, we’ve also found that some species are not immune to the  pressures associated with ocean warming, changes in rainfall and human development of the terrestrial and marine environments and we now have the baseline information and the tools to better compare and advise on the effectiveness of conservation efforts.    

The KMRP Conference program and abstracts can be found at


Dr Stuart Field, KMRP Node Leader

Dr Kelly Waples, KMRP Science Coordinator



The $30 million Kimberley Marine Research Program is funded through major investment supported by $12 million from the Western Australian government co-invested by the WAMSI partners and supported by the Traditional Owners of the Kimberley.


Kimberley Marine Research Program

Dredging Science Node Conference: Results to inform management decisions

The end-of-program 2017 Dredging Science Node Conference brings together the results of one of Australia’s largest and most successful single issue marine research programs in the context of the environmental impact assessment and management process in WA together with an industry perspective.

Dredging is required to develop and maintain ports that are vital to WA’s economy. In 2011-2012 alone, the Environmental Protection Authority assessed four development proposals in the Pilbara with a combined dredged volume of about 130 million cubic metres. The dredging was forecast to take years to complete and in the worst case could cause the permanent loss of about 25km2 of benthic communities. These predictions were based on a range of assumptions and carried significant uncertainty and risk for the environment and for proponents, and little was being done to improve the situation. 

In recognition of the critical importance of this issue in WA and the need for it to be addressed, proponents of new dredging projects were required by government as a condition of approval to contribute funds to research specifically designed to reduce uncertainty. The Dredging Science Node was established by the State Government in collaboration with industry to pool these funds for world-class marine research to:

‘Enhance capacity within Government and the private sector to predict and manage the environmental impacts of dredging in tropical regions of Western Australia.’

The results have been designed to assist regulators and proponents of dredging projects in WA and other tropical regions of Australia and abroad. It’s also hoped the information will be useful for private organisations and individuals with an interest in WA’s marine environment. 

The results are being presented under three key aeas:

  1. physical processes that generate and transport dredged sediment to better quantify the ‘pressure fields;
  2. the responses of key biological assemblages to dredged generated sediments to establish ‘pressure:response’ relationships to inform impact prediction and monitoring/management; and
  3. identifying the timing/locations of key ecological processes, such as reproduction, so that critical environmental windows of sensitivity are known and can be considered in the design and execution of dredging programs.

The outputs directly relevant to predicting and managing dredging in northwest Western Australia (NWWA), involve:

  • benchmarking current knowledge through reviews of relevant scientific literature and reports;
  • analysing available data to characterise actual pressure fields in terms of intensity, duration and frequency, to guide the selection of realistic ranges for pressure parameters for use in experiments;
  • identifying species for use in experiments relevant to NWWA; and
  • using relevant sediments types, including red pindan soils and relevant particle size classes.

The following major outcomes were achieved:

  • Improved understanding of near-field and far-field source terms, their usage in environmental impact assessment, how they can be better estimated and expressed, and recommendations for continual improvement
  • Guidance on contemporary approaches to predicting the pressure fields associated with dredging; including background conditions, deposition and resuspension
  • Quantification of the temporal and spatial patterns in the intensity, duration and frequency of turbidity and suspended sediment pulses associated with actual dredging campaigns in NWWA and flow on effects to light availability and sediment deposition
  • Quantification of changes in light quality and quantity underneath plumes and development of an in situ sediment deposition sensor
  • Guidance on contemporary approaches to sediment transport modelling including; the importance of bathymetry resolution, efficacy of 2D vs 3D models, nearfield modelling and far field modelling; accounting for the effects of benthic communities on sediment deposition and resuspension; remote sensing of turbid plumes for model validation, environmental management and compliance reporting
  • Corals – the relative significance of suspended sediment concentrations, light attenuation and sediment deposition on the health and survival of five coral taxa, with differing morphologies and commonly occurring in NWWA; critical thresholds of sediment deposition and light availability based on laboratory experiments and analyses of industry monitoring data on coral health, survival and recovery potential; bioindicators of dredging-related stress
  • Seagrass – knowledge of the spatial and temporal patterns in seagrass biomass including seasonality, inter-annual variability and recruitment processes for three commonly occurring species in NWWA; the relative significance of sediment deposition and light attenuation associated with dredging plumes on seagrass health; thresholds of sediment deposition and light-related effect and mortality; bioindicators of dredging-related stress
  • Sponges – characterisation of the sponge taxa present in NWWA through analysis of museum records and field collections, development of field guides for sponge identification in NWWA; the relative significance of suspended sediment concentrations, light attenuation and sediment deposition on the health and survival of five sponge taxa, with differing morphologies, nutritional pathways and commonly occurring in NWWA, based on laboratory experiments, field studies and analyses of industry monitoring data on sponge health the prevalence of phototrophic sponges; bioindicators of dredging-related stress
  • Coral spawning – temporal environmental windows of key life cycle processes in NWWA; understanding the pathways by which dredging generated turbidity and sediment deposition affects coral reproduction, fertilisation, larval development and settlement; critical suspended sediment concentration thresholds of effect for impact prediction and dredging management
  • Temporal environmental windows of sensitivity for macroalgae, fish and invertebrates that allow projects to be planned to avoid periods that are critical to their health and survival.

The work of the Node has improved knowledge about how the activity of dredging can affect marine biological communities, focussing on where this information was needed most – the Pilbara region of WA. This allows:

  • proponents to make predictions with greater confidence than before;
  • the community and the EPA to consider and assess the environmental consequences and acceptability of those impacts with greater confidence; and
  • projects to be planned and managed more efficiently and in turn deliver better environmental outcomes.

This is also expected to improve the cost-effectiveness and timeliness of key approvals and regulatory processes.

The next step is to work with key stakeholders to further consolidate research findings with practical experience and prepare a set of clear guidelines and protocols for conducting pre-development surveys, impact prediction and monitoring/management.

It is expected that adoption of more consistent approaches to prediction, monitoring and reporting will generate useful information for proponents and regulators of future proposals and provide a framework for continual improvement over time.

The DSN Conference program and abstracts can be found at


Dr Ray Masini, Node Leader – Policy

Dr Ross Jones, Node Leader – Science




The WAMSI Dredging Science Node is made possible through $9.5 million invested by Woodside, Chevron and BHP as environmental offsets. A further $9.5 million has been co-invested by the WAMSI Joint Venture partners, adding significantly more value to this initial industry investment. The node is also supported through critical data provided by Chevron, Woodside and Rio Tinto Iron Ore.


Dredging Science

Nesting Sea Turtles in the Kimberley: KMRP Presentation

Dr Scott Whiting, DBCA

Dr Tony Tucker, DBCA

Dr Nicky Mitchell, UWA

Blair Bentley, UWA

Dr Oliver Berry, CSIRO

Dr. Kellie Pendoley, Pendoley Environmental

Dr. Nancy FitzSimmons, Griffith Univ.

Kimberley Marine Research Program (KMRP) scientists recently presented the findings of their project to determine key biological indices required to understand and manage nesting sea turtles along the Kimberley coast.

As part of the WAMSI KMRP, supported by the Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy, scientists from Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA), UWA and CSIRO have been working with Traditional Owners to better understand nesting sea turtles in the Kimberley.

The Kimberley region is one of few places in Australia where a knowledge gap remains for a basic understanding of marine turtle nesting biology. The females are most accessible when they come ashore to lay eggs and predictable because individuals show strong fidelity to rookeries. This fidelity also drives spatial differentiation and allows DNA analyses to define connectivity and management units.

With such an extensive regional scale project spanning 12000 kilometres of coastline we also identified climate change as a major environmental driver of potential population change. Climate change also has potential to modify beach habitat through sea level rise and increased storm events and incubation parameters are changed by rising thermal conditions.

Turtle sex is determined by incubation temperature of the beach sand and warmer temperatures may skew sex ratios towards females or even hotter temperatures to lethal levels. 

The Kimberley has existing Indigenous custodians of land and sea that reside along the coast or in regional urban communities. These groups hold a wealth of knowledge about the natural environment and are committed to its management. These groups were integral to this project.

These presentations discuss four major project components: investigating distribution and seasonality of nesting; defining management units using genetics; identifying critical incubation indices affected by climate change impacts; and developing two-way communication and collaborative partnerships with Indigenous groups through planning, onground work, training and information exchange. A key component to the research was the participation by 11 Indigenous groups.

Some of the main findings discussed include:

  • Over 85% of all nesting beaches were surveyed across the Kimberley by aerial survey and onground visits
  • Nesting hot spots were identified for winter and summer nesting seasons
  • New flatback genetic stocks were identified and green turtle stocks were better defined
  • Pivotal temperatures and lethal incubations thresholds were identified for green and flatback turtles
  • Extensive collaborative field work resulted in an enhanced working relationship across multiple groups.
  • Strategic regional and community management objectives were integrated to identify potential long-term monitoring locations and methods.


The KMRP Marine Turtle presentations can be also be found on the Marine Turtle project page at:

The $30 million Kimberley Marine Research Program is funded through major investment supported by $12 million from the Western Australian government co-invested by the WAMSI partners and supported by the Traditional Owners of the Kimberley.


Kimberley Marine Research Program

Australia’s northern seagrasses – resilience in the face of dredging

WAMSI Dredging Science Node researchers recently presented at the Centre for Marine Ecosystems Research Symposium.

The presentations, as part of ECU Research Week, brought together the combined knowledge on Australia’s northern seagrasses and their resilience in the face of dredging.

The WAMSI Dredging Science Node Presentations are available at



The project page for the WAMSI Dredging Science Node Primary Producer response to Dredging can be found at:


The WAMSI Dredging Science Node is made possible through $9.5 million invested by Woodside, Chevron and BHP as environmental offsets. A further $9.5 million has been co-invested by the WAMSI Joint Venture partners, adding significantly more value to this initial industry investment. The node is also supported through critical data provided by Chevron, Woodside and Rio Tinto Iron Ore.


Dredging Science

Integrating science into marine conservation management

Kimberley Marine Research Program Science Coordinator, Dr Kelly Waples highlighted the success of the program in integrating science into conservation management decisions presented at the 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in NovaScotia.

Dr Waples from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions used the WAMSI Dugong project lead by CSIRO’s Dr Peter Bayliss as an example.



Dr Bayliss also shared results from the dugong project with:

– Parks and Wildlife and Indigenous rangers in Broome – the presentation is available at

– Science on the Broome Coast hosted by the Roebuck Bay Working Group;

– Wunambal Gaambera Traditional Owners in Kalumburu; and

– Parks staff in Kununurra.


ABSTRACT: Integrating science into marine conservation management: a knowledge exchange framework that enhances the delivery of science into management action.

Kelly Waples, Peter Bayliss and Stuart Field

The integration of science into conservation management decisions remains a significant challenge in the marine environment. Coupled with a decline in funding, the emphasis on the delivery of relevant and applicable research has never been greater. The Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), a joint venture partnership of state, federal, industry and academic institutions, is addressing this need through a collaborative approach to research program development and delivery. This has included development of an operational framework to enhance knowledge exchange and associated application of science outcomes into management decisions and actions. The framework recognises barriers that limit knowledge uptake and addresses these through a process that starts with the development of a science strategy outlining critical information gaps through to ensuring research findings are interpreted relative to management needs and are accessible in a format, including associated products and tools, which can be used by managers. This ensures the greatest impact of research findings through their incorporation into policy, guidelines and operational actions. The process relies on considerable end-user involvement through open and ongoing dialogue between scientists and managers, driven by an intermediary with an understanding of the needs of both parties.

The WAMSI Kimberley Marine Research Program is an example of the successful application of this process. Comprising 25 multi-disciplinary projects, the KMRP was designed to characterise the marine environment, ecological processes and human pressures to support the management of newly established marine parks across the Kimberley jointly managed with Traditional Owners. We will use the dugong distribution and abundance project as an example of the knowledge exchange process. This project addressed specific management questions, incorporated traditional knowledge and participation in fieldwork and has produced baseline data on species distribution and movement and a monitoring protocol that will be used in marine park planning and on ground management.   

Waples K, Bayliss P, Field S. (2017)  Integrating science into marine conservation management: a knowledge exchange framework that enhances the delivery of science into management action. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. (Abstract) (Presentation Slides)


Dr Kelly Waples presents at the Marine Mammals Conference in Nova Scotia


The $30 million Kimberley Marine Research Program is funded through major investment supported by $12 million from the Western Australian government co-invested by the WAMSI partners and supported by the Traditional Owners of the Kimberley.


Kimberley Marine Research Program

Study uncovers northwest transition zone for Australian reef fish

Research has shown that a stretch of ocean surrounding the tip of the Dampier Peninsula, 200 kilometres north of Broome, acts as an invisible genetic barrier for a popular harvested tropical fish known as the stripey snapper.

The findings highlight the importance of the transition zone at the border of the Kimberley and Canning marine bioregions as a consideration for fisheries management. 

The barrier spans a 180 kilometre stretch of ocean at the southern border of the Kimberley bioregion that coincides with the mouth of King Sound, which experiences the largest tropical tidal range and fastest tidal currents in the world.

The collaborative project for the Western Australian Marine Science Institution’s Kimberley Marine Research Program, was led by Curtin University researcher Dr Joseph DiBattista and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s Dr Michael Travers together with CSIRO’s Dr Oliver Berry. The results have been published in the international journal Molecular Ecology.

“These results are important for managing harvest of the stripey snapper (Lutjanus carponotatus), because we had assumed that they moved easily between the Pilbara and Kimberley regions, but it appears that they do not,” Dr DiBattista said.

“We know that the fish must rarely move between the Kimberley and Pilbara because they have strong genetic differences between those regions,” Dr Berry said.

 The researchers were surprised at how narrow the barrier was.

“The transition between fish that have the genetic fingerprints of the Pilbara and the genetic fingerprints of the Kimberley occurs over a very narrow region near the mouth of King Sound,” Dr Berry explained. “Fish that are found within this region are a mix, but outside of that region they are distinctive.”

“This study will improve management of this and potentially other reef fish species across northwestern Australia as it highlights the importance of the techniques used in this research to provide outcomes relevant to management, particularly for species with broad ranges such as the recreationally harvested stripey snapper,” Dr Travers said.


Map of sampling sites (yellow dots) for Lutjanus carponotatus across the entire sampling range in Northwestern Australia. The Holloway Current is the dominant current affecting coastal waters of the Kimberley, Canning, and Pilbara bioregions and the Leeuwin Current significantly impacts the Ningaloo and Shark Bay bioregions (adapted from Sprintall et al. 2002; Domingues et al. 2007; D’Adamo et al. 2009; Schiller 2011). Illustration of L. carponotatus © R.Swainston/


It’s the first time that scientists have examined how far Kimberley marine animals and plants move.

The research also investigated movement in six other marine species including damselfish, corals, seagrasses and trochus shells.

The final results will be presented at the 2017 WAMSI Research Conference by project leader Dr Oliver Berry (CSIRO) in November.  


The $30 million Kimberley Marine Research Program is funded through major investment supported by $12 million from the Western Australian government co-invested by the WAMSI partners and supported by the Traditional Owners of the Kimberley.


Kimberley Marine Research Program