New WAMSI Chair
Mr Bruce Lake will take over as interim Chair of the Western Australian Marine Research Institution (WAMSI) from 1 January 2019.
Bruce Lake is currently Director and previous Chair of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) and was a member of the Premier’s Roundtable discussions to guide the foundation of a long-term collaboration between all sectors operating in WA’s marine environment.
Mr Lake joined the WAMSI Board in 2017 and has some 40 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry in Australia and New Zealand in engineering, operational and management roles both onshore and offshore for a broad range of operating companies including majors and Australian independents.
Mr Lake succeeds Mr Peter Millington who steps down as Chair of the Governing Board, having been associated with WAMSI since its foundation.
Over the past 12 months Mr Millington has helped to guide the joint venture partnership Board through the startup of WAMSI’s third business cycle following the State Government’s decision to invest in the implementation of the Blueprint for Marine Science 2050. He has also overseen the completion of the Kimberley Marine Research Program, the Dredging Science Node.
Before taking up the appointment as WAMSI Chair, Peter was Chief Executive Officer at WA’s chemical and forensic science services provider, ChemCentre, after moving from the Department of Fisheries where he instituted a series of reforms to take WA’s fisheries into the future.
A well known figure in the Western Australian marine science field, Peter is also a Board Member of the Ear Science Institute of Australia.