International Indian Ocean Science Conference
The conference aims at assessing the progress and scientific knowledge gained during the last 4 years of IIOE-2 (during 2016-2020).
The conference invites presentations focussing but not limited to all six themes of IIOE-2 Science plan (i.e., human impacts and benefits; boundary current dynamics and ecosystem impacts; monsoon variability and ecosystem response; circulation, climate variability and change; extreme events; and discovery of unique physical, geological, biogeochemical and ecological features of the Indian Ocean).
It will provide an opportunity for the scientists working on different facets of the Indian Ocean to present their ideas and discuss the outstanding issues, identify the knowledge gaps and plan a way forward to address such issues.
Presentations highlighting innovative ideas on "Translating benefits of Science to Society" or with societal implications are encouraged. The "International Indian Ocean Science Conference 2020 (IIOSC-2020)" sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Govt. of India, will be held during 16-20 March 2020 in Goa, India co-hosted by National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) Goa, National Centre for Polar Ocean Research ( NCPOR) Goa, Goa University and Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) Hyderabad, India.