New tool to forecast atmospheric and ocean conditions on the west coast

The Coastal Oceanography Group at The University of Western Australia has been developing a numerical system to provide atmospheric and ocean forecasts for five days in advance. 

The forecasts include five regions along the coast of Western Australia: west coast (North-west Cape to Cape Leeuwin), central coast, Shark Bay, south-west and Perth. Perth is on a higher resolution nested grid.  The dates are also in a drop down menu.

The URL is:

The forecasts include Atmospheric (winds, air pressure, rainfall) and ocean (currents, sea surface temperature and salinity).

Project leader, Professor Charitha Pattiaratchi said the forecasts provide a very high resolution view of the ocean and atmospheric conditions – on a regional basis. 

“They add-value to the Bureau of Meteorology forecasts,” he said. “This will be a valuable source of information to people who use the local marine environment including recreational and professional fisherman, scientists planning field work.  The forecasts are also archived so we can go back in time and extract historic conditions.”