About the Program
Exmouth Gulf is recognised as an area of high ecological importance with incredible community value for Western Australians.
The marine environment is abundant with world-class marine life and the region’s unique environmental, social and cultural values are acknowledged globally.
With increasing pressure from uncoordinated human activities and development, the EPA partnered with WAMSI to provide strategic advice under Section 16(e) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 on the potential cumulative impacts of these activities on Exmouth Gulf’s environment.
WAMSI Research Director Dr Jenny Shaw, led a stakeholder engagement process involving scientists, government representatives, conservation groups and industry, as well as the Nganhurra Thanardi Garrbu Aboriginal Corporation to assess the risks of multiple environmental pressures on the region’s distinctive values relating to sea, land, air, water and people.
This information was provided to the EPA who used it to develop advice to the Minister of Environment. The EPA advice recommended a high level of protection for the eastern and southern portion of the Gulf and adjacent hinterland, and that future activities and development are compatible with the protection of the key values of Exmouth Gulf.
This advice resulted in the Minister for Environment’s announcement of a new marine park to be established at Exmouth Gulf to help preserve the region’s unique environmental and cultural values.
The new marine park will provide a high level of protection for the eastern and southern portions of the Gulf, and Class A reserves for the protection of local areas of significance such as Qualing Pool, Camerons Cave and the islands of the Gulf.
Program Management
Name: Dr Jenny Shaw
Project Role: Program Leader
Contact: jenny.shaw@wamsi.org.au