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Vale Steve Blake

It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of the Western Australian Marine Science Institution’s (WAMSI) inaugural Chief Executive Officer, Dr Steve Blake. Steve graduated with first class honors in Geology from the University of Edinburgh before moving to Australia in 1987. He undertook his PhD in marine geology at James Cook University, […]

New tool to forecast atmospheric and ocean conditions on the west coast

The Coastal Oceanography Group at The University of Western Australia has been developing a numerical system to provide atmospheric and ocean forecasts for five days in advance.  The forecasts include five regions along the coast of Western Australia: west coast (North-west Cape to Cape Leeuwin), central coast, Shark Bay, south-west and Perth. Perth is on […]

Hats off to sea turtles

By Kandy Curran With sea turtles revered by cultures across the world, it was a privilege to have Yawuru Ranger Preston Manado open the Science on the Broome Coast presentation, Sea Turtles:  Iconic ambassadors linking marine habitats, cultures and regions in north-western Australia on June 8, 2016.  Preston began by explaining the significance of the […]

Discovering the Tiny Creatures that Live in Marine Plants

BY Angela Rossen If you go for a snorkel near the shore you will find meadows of gently swaying seagrasses and rocky reefs with brightly colored algae that are often called seaweeds. Among these swaying leaves and algal fronds live myriads of tiny creatures. Marine plants act as nurseries, providing shelter and food for almost […]

Crowdsourcing for the Kimberley Marine Environments

By: Moataz Kordi (Curtin University) The crowdsourcing data approach for information gathering has been used worldwide for a variety of purposes, from creating and sharing geographic information volunteered by individuals through common and freely available platforms such as Wikimapia and OpenStreetMap, to assisting in human crises situations through programs such as Ushahidi. The crowdsourcing approach […]

Coral colonies respond to sediment with sheets of mucus

Sediment researchers may have cracked a key to early recognition of coral stress by observing mucous build-up in response to dredge related sediment. The research undertaken as part of the Western Australian Marine Science Institution’s Dredging Science Node found that colonies of the massive stony coral Porites, located off Barrow Island, produced mucous sheets that […]

Scientists discover rare sea snakes off WA

True sea snakes (Family Elapidae: Subfamily Hydrophiinae) are predatory, live bearing, fully marine reptiles that form the most biodiverse group of marine reptiles on earth. Western Australia (WA) hosts 22 species, including five which are endemic to WA, making it a global hotspot of sea snake endemism.  Two small range WA endemics, A. foliosquama, the […]