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Broome boat ramp study indicates boating popularity

Researchers have analysed a year’s worth of video imagery from the popular Entrance Point boat ramp, adjacent to the Broome Fishing Club, to explore the factors affecting the launching of recreational boats, as part of a broader WAMSI study looking at Human Use in the Kimberley.   In total, 6057 recreational boat launches were recorded […]

IMOS to drive fresh future for marine priorities in the west

WAMSI welcomed the Commonwealth’s announcement that provides funding certainty for the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure (NCRIS) program. The NCRIS created and developed the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) and the $1.5 billion commitment over the next decade gives IMOS a guaranteed share, and a green light to make plans for the future. Associate Professor Julian […]

That sinking feeling: Suspended sediments can prevent the ascent of coral egg bundles

New research has demonstrated a previously unrecognised event that can markedly reduce the probability that coral gametes (egg-sperm bundels) reach the water surface and come in contact with each other. Inshore reefs are regularly exposed to higher concentrations of suspended sediments during storms, runoff and dredging. While it has been recognised that suspended sediments can […]

New type of reef identified in the Kimberley

The remote Kimberley coast is characterised by its extreme tidal ranges, warm turbid waters and frequent cyclonic events, and is also home to a newly recognised form of coral reef, one which grows higher than any other reef type in the world. Curtin University researcher Dr Mick O’Leary has been leading a Western Australian Marine […]

River Release | 9 News Perth

New life is being breathed into Perth’s waterways with 400 thousand juvenile prawns being released into the Canning River. The restocking program has been running for the past four years, rejuvenating a dying hobby and getting families back on the water. Government Media Statement: Four millionth prawn for Swan and Canning rivers   Category:  Estuary […]