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Lost coastline found in WA Department of Transport

Over the years government agencies, and industry for that matter, amass a huge amount of survey information in the process of completing individual projects. It’s information that invariably never sees the light of day again. But one project team working with the Department of Transport (DoT), Fremantle has brought together an extraordinary online picture of […]

Focus on northern aquaculture industry

Parliament’s Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia met in Broome and Perth in June as part of its investigation into opportunities to expand the aquaculture industry in Northern Australia. Aquaculture is the farming of captive-bred stock or naturally occurring juveniles of wild caught stocks and it is Australia’s fastest growing primary industry, accounting for 34 […]

Sponges choose enigma over charisma

While sea sponges may not be as charismatic as corals, an industry funded WAMSI project is finding their strength may lie in their resilience to change. One of the most important roles of the sponge is providing habitat for vertebrate and invertebrate species, but one of the most impressive is its ability to filter huge […]

Marine ecosystems considered in Kimberley survey

Written by  Brooke Hunter (SNWA) A multi-disciplinary team is closely monitoring the Kimberley’s coastal and estuarine environment to better understand how present levels of organic nitrogen and carbon play a role in sustaining marine productivity. A team of Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) collaborators from CSIRO, the University of Western Australia and The Australian […]

Researcher Q and A – Mari Carmen Pineda

Published in AIMS Waypoint Mari Carmen Pineda talks sponges, dredging and the link between science and industry. Q1: What brought you to AIMS from Spain? I first came to AIMS to work in ecology and microbiology and I fell in love with AIMS amazing facilities, like the National Sea Simulator (SeaSim) as well as the […]

El Niño to bring cool relief to WA waters

Written by  Samille Mitchell (SNWA) The widely publicised El Niño weather pattern set to cause dire warming conditions in eastern Australia this year is expected to have the opposite effect on WA waters. The weather anomaly is tipped to cool WA coastal waters in the coming summer, bringing welcome relief to marine species battling to […]

How can supercomputing help with marine science?

There’s no doubt that Big Data is one of those concepts that is completely transforming the way we do research but what other capability does a facility like the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre have that can help marine science? In June, the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre is offering a range of free short courses on supercomputing topics. WAMSI […]