National Science Week: Marine and maritime innovation

13 August 2023
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
WA Maritime Museum

WA Museum is celebrating National Science Week by highlighting the innovative tools and technology its scientists use in their work - from discovering lost shipwrecks to finding new species in the depths of Perth Canyon.

WA Museum scientists access data and images generated through remote imaging, sensors, ROVs and many other tools that play a vital part in expanding scientific knowledge for Western Australians and the world.

Learn from the scientists by experiencing new technologies in hands-on activities during this special Science Week session.


Smart tech, AI and megafauna public lecture

26 July 2023
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
City of Perth Library

Join the Harry Butler Institute for the first of its 'Our Only World' lecture series as Dr Adrian Gleiss explores the increasing role of smart technology and AI in studying large marine animals such as turtles and sharks.

This free event is at the City of Perth Library on 26 July.

World Oceans Day forum Fremantle

13 June 2023
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Old Courthouse Fremantle


It is time to repair and regenerate areas of the oceans humans have damaged and not take the vast ecosystems for granted, according to the Chief Executive Officer of the Western Australian Marine Science Institution who joins other marine scientists at a United Nations sponsored forum in Fremantle on 13 June to mark World Ocean’s Day (8 June).

WAMSI CEO Dr Luke Twomey said the community was becoming more aware of the importance of the world’s oceans and the risks they faced.

He will be joined on the panel at the Old Courthouse venue by Professor Jennifer Verduin, Pro-Vice Chancellor, College of Environmental and Life Sciences and Professor of Oceanography at Murdoch University, Dr Rebecca Wellard, Program Manager Ocean Conservation at Minderoo Foundation and Dr Oliver Jewell, Marine Scientist and Postdoctoral Research Associate at The University of Western Australia’s Oceans Institute.

“The ocean is responsible for important processes such the weather, carbon sequestration, and oxygen production,” Dr Twomey said.  “It is essential habitat for an incredible diversity of flora and fauna and is responsible for the dynamics and stability of our coastlines. When we damage it, we are dismantling our life support system.”

UWA Oceans Institute Director, Dr Christophe Gaudin, said ocean health was a critical issue for everyone.

“Ocean health must be addressed by our communities at large to safeguard the well-being of future generations. The creation of the panel and the expertise assembled within the panel are an important step in that direction.”

“Panels like these serve a crucial purpose in addressing the importance of the ocean within the global climate system,” Professor Verduin said.

Dr Wellard said Western Australia was fortunate to have the longest coastline in the country, but the privilege came with great responsibility.

“This event is an opportunity to bring together scientists, ocean conservationists, and ocean champions to discuss what we can do to support a resilient and sustainable ocean,” Dr Wellard said.

“There has never been a more important time for us to support the United Nations’ Ocean Decade. World Oceans Day and the events around it offers a platform to talk about the science we need to keep our oceans healthy for future generations.”

The event has been organised by the United Nations Association of Australia WA Division and is sponsored by the UWA Oceans Institute, the Harry Butler Institute at Murdoch University and WAMSI.

“WA has a strong focus on its marine environment and there are so many opportunities for people to play and work on the ocean. We will discuss opportunities as we move away from carbon-based energy to more renewable forms,” Dr Twomey said.

Tickets are available here.

Dive In – Art and Science in Conversation

4 February 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Albany Town Hall auditorium

'In Conversation' - a facilitated conversation in which the points of connection between artists and scientists will be explored.  Artists Kevin Draper, Robyn Lees, and Lizzie Riley will join Dr Jenny Shaw and Dr Kieryn Kilminster, Principal Scientist (Estuaries) at Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), in this illuminating conversation.

  • Noongar cultural educator, Larry Blight, will share Indigenous cultural knowledge about the sea & sea-life.
  • Dr Jenny Shaw, Director of Research, WA Marine Science Institution will give a short talk about current marine science priorities.
  • Ann Copeman, artist and co-curator, will outline MIX Artists' approach to engaging with scientists as a starting point for the creative process.

Immerse Exhibition

21 January 2023
24 February 2023
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Albany Town Hall

For Immerse MIX Artists are focussing on the marine environment and have engaged with scientists from the WA Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), UWA Oceans Institute, the University of Western Australia and Wave Energy Research Australia (WERA).

Since March 2022 MIX Artists have learnt from marine scientists through talks/presentations, (March and May), engagement with UWA marine science students during their field trip to Albany (April) and ongoing self-directed research by individual artists, assisted by WAMSI who has put artists in touch with marine scientists who are working in the artists' areas of interest. This meaningful collaboration has provided artists with the opportunity to drill into a subject and expand their knowledge. Artists have learnt about sustainable practices and rehabilitation work (for example of oyster beds and seagrass in the local Albany waters), the impact of climate change and pollution on the planet's oceans, and the ongoing discoveries of new marine species, as well as the ocean as a source of energy. This information has inspired each artist's creative ideas and art-making process.

The artworks in Immerse will convey important marine science knowledge and current research to a wide audience. A short video/slideshow will enable the audience to learn about the art-science collaboration, by documenting the interaction between artists and scientists and the resulting creative process.

State of the Blue Economy Forum 2022

8 December 2022
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

The State of the Blue Economy Forum on 8th December 2022 in Fremantle is the premier event to discuss blue economy challenges and opportunities in Western Australia.

Restoring Kelp Forests

11 August 2022
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
City of Perth Library

Find out how scientists are restoring this crucial habitat

About this event

Kelp forests used to dominate coastlines around the world, but an accelerated loss of kelp is happening globally. How can we restore these crucial forests at the scales needed, whilst giving them the best chance to survive in a changing ocean? We are trailing techniques for restoring these essential kelp forests using rocks seeded with baby kelp.

Georgina Wood

Georgina Wood is a postdoctoral researcher in UWA’s Oceans Institute. Her work revolves around the ecology and genetics of coastal environments and developing solutions to the challenges that these systems face, both now and into the future. Georgina is a passionate science communicator and has delivered various marine ecology-themed workshops for local councils, schools and NGOs.

Change and Connections AMSA 2022

7 August 2022
11 August 2022
12:00 am - 12:00 am

Australian Ocean Energy Market Summit

10 May 2022
11 May 2022
All-day event
Wrest Point Hobart

The Australian Ocean Energy Group’s Summit is the Australian Ocean Energy Group's signature event with the aim to increase market adoption of renewable ocean energy in Australia.

It is about creating supply and demand by connecting end users with ocean energy system suppliers and renewable energy project specialists to advance commercialisation of Australia’s ocean energy sector. It is intended to inform a diversity of markets about the strong benefits of utilising the right zero-emissions ocean energy technology solution aligned with the right system.

Albany’s New Wave Energy Project

24 February 2022
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Albany Public Library

Join Dr Wiebke Ebeling from Marine Energy Researcg Australia at UWA's Albany Campus to learn about Albany's New Wave Energy Project: Theme 4.

Dr Ebeling manages Albany’s Marine Energy Research Centre, located on the UWA Albany campus in the historic train station building on lower Stirling Terrace.

Learn about where Wave Energy is being used successfully around the world as an alternative energy source and the exciting things that are happening locally around this project.