Coastal Futures – Planning and Adaptation in a Changing Climate

21 June 2021
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Albany Entertainment Centre

Please join The University of Western Australia's Ocean Institute, Public Policy Institute and Wave Energy Research Centre for your say on how we prepare and adapt to our changing world.

Digitalisation in Environmental Assessment – International Frontrunners: Webinar

18 August 2021
12:00 am - 12:00 am

Wednesday 18th August 2021, Online event

• 4.00pm – 5.30pm (Australian Western Standard Time)

Register here to obtain Zoom login details


Several organisations worldwide are engaged in digitalising environmental assessment. The Danish DREAMS project presents a list of international frontrunners highlighting organisations, initiatives, partners and key takeaways. It provides a great opportunity for inspiration and learning from the global community.

WABSI continues to work with industry, regulators, researchers and the community to build a data sharing and access culture that enables us to better understand the cumulative environmental impacts, of an action, on a region, overtime. Read more about our work here.

Blue is the New Green: UWA Research Impact Series Webinar

8 July 2021
12:00 am - 12:00 am

Philanthropy, research and community are finding solutions for climate change’s effects locally and globally within Western Australia’s iconic coastal ecosystems.

Marine Park zonings in Western Australia include the Great Southern Reef, Ningaloo and Shark Bay. These iconic coastal environments are home to kelp forests, seagrass meadows, and tropical coral reef: vibrant and unique ecosystems that are all under threat from ocean warming.

With enormous blue carbon potential, these bio-diverse hotspots are ground zero in the war on climate change. Philanthropically supported research at UWA’s Oceans Institute into these marine ecosystems and their conservation is providing innovative solutions for protecting their habitats.

In this webinar, hosted by Oceans Institute Director, Associate Professor Julian Partridge, four leading UWA marine scientists will discuss how their work is making a difference.

Date: Thursday 8 July 2021

Time: 4.30pm - 5.30pm

Venue: Online Webinar

Register now

Short Course: Introduction to Coastal Engineering (UWA Oceans Graduate School)

6 May 2021
7 May 2021
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre, UWA and Online

Short Course - Introduction to Coastal Engineering

Sea level variability along Vietnam coast and the Australian North West Shelf

22 April 2021
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre, UWA and Zoom


Toan Bui, PhD student


Thursday 22 April 2021 at 4:00pm


This seminar is being held in the Auditorium, Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre Building (or via Zoom)



Sea level variability occurs at different time scales (hours to decades) and is crucial for a range of activities including navigation, coastal stability and coastal planning. By contrast, societal concerns on sea level variability originate from potential impacts including coastal flooding, shoreline recession, damage to coastal infrastructure and natural resources. This is particularly true along the coasts of Vietnam and the Australian North West Shelf (NWS) that are susceptible to impacts from tropical cyclones (TC) and mean sea level change. This talk examines two themes: (1) seasonal and inter-annual sea level along Vietnam coast; and, (2) storm surge dynamics along the NWS.

Along the Vietnam coast, the seasonal sea level variability in open coast is dominated by a reversal of monsoons, whist in Tonkin Bay in the north is influenced by the Red river discharge. The inter-annual sea level in the open coast is driven by ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation), and is attributed to inter-annual change in boundary currents. The northern section of the Vietnam coast is dominated by the 18.6 year nodal tide whilst in the south, inundation in the Vietnam Mekong Delta is controlled by the interaction between ENSO and the 4.4 year lunar perigee cycle.

Along Australian NWS, the translation speed of a TC is a critical factor that determines generating mechanism and features of storm surge components. A combination between observations and numerical simulations utilizing the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) showed that the forerunner and continental shelf waves (CSW) were likely to be generated by a slow moving TC (<6  ms-1), whereas edge waves were attributed to fast translation TC’s (>6  ms-1). Magnitude of the forerunner and edge waves were sensitive to TC translation speed, but CSW was not sensitive to the translation speed of the TC.

Observational data obtained during passage of Tropical Low (TL) 14U in 2017 together with ROMS were used to investigate the generation of CSW and its interaction with topographic features that include Barrow and Montebello Islands. The TL 14U’s forward speed was close to a phase speed of the CSW resulting in an amplified CSW due to resonance. When the 14U and the CSW interacted with Barrow Island, the sea level increased by up to 40cm due to the blocking effect of the shallow water resulted in strong currents (~1.2 ms-1) flow diverted around  Montebello  Island due to blocking effects of topography.



Toan Bui is a PhD student under supervision of Professor Chari Pattiaratchi and Dr Ivica Janekovic. He received bachelor and master degree in Hanoi Water Resource University (Vietnam) in 2006 and 2015, respectively. His research is focused on sea level variability. Before coming to Perth, he worked as a lecturer at Hanoi University of Natural Resource and Environment.


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Perspectives on Decommissioning panel discussion

6 May 2021
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre, UWA

What environmental science does industry, regulators and stakeholders need to support offshore oil and gas decommissioning decisions?

Join our panel of experts as we explore what knowledge is needed to support industry processes, regulatory requirements and meaningful stakeholder engagement to ensure future decommissioning decisions and approvals are underpinned by robust science.

Networking and light refreshments to follow

Time: 3.00 - 4.30pm
Chair: Luke Smith, Chief Environmental Scientist, Woodside
Dianne McLean, Fish Ecologist, Australian Institute of Marine Science
Cameron Grebe, Head of Division - Environment & Decommissioning, NOPSEMA
Andrew Taylor, General Manager Decommissioning, NERA
Chris Jones, Decommissioning Project Manager, Chevron
TBC, fisheries expert

UN Decade of Ocean Science and the 2nd Indian Ocean Expedition: Dr Nick D’Adamo

28 April 2021
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre, UWA

The Oceans Institute Expert Series continues, with the next instalment focussing on the UN Decade of Ocean Science and the program of scientific activities currently taking place the UNESCO IOC Perth office.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic free event, and please share with your networks!

UN Decade of Ocean Science and the 2nd Indian Ocean Expedition

12.30 – 1.30pm

Wednesday 28 April, 2021

Auditorium, Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre

Speaker: Dr Nick D’Adamo, Head of the UNESCO IOC Perth Programme Office

There are profound challenges facing scientific and user communities in addressing the informational needs and societal responses required to adapt and mitigate to a changing ocean and coupled climate. This applies to the Indian Ocean as a whole and for the globe’s inter-connected Earth systems. The World's attention on the oceans is experiencing a major renewed focus through the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-30 (, and, closer to Western Australia, also through the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (

Dr Nick D’Adamo, Head of the UNESCO IOC Perth Programme Office and Adjunct Member of the Oceans Institute will describe the Office’s IOC coordinated portfolio, tracing a capacity building theme across coupled ocean/climate, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem sciences. The Perth Office’s work connects the interests of Western Australia, Australia, and the wider oceanic sphere.

The Biodiversity Conference 2021: Resilient Landscapes

15 September 2021
17 September 2021
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Perth, WA