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Farewell from the Chair

After almost five years as Chair of the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), having helped to guide the joint venture partnership Board through the Kimberley and Dredging Science Node projects and the Blueprint for Marine Science Initiative, I’m stepping down as Chair.       I’m exceptionally proud to have been here during the Kimberley Marine […]

Science priorities for estuary management in SW Western Australia

A report presenting a prioritisation of the science and monitoring needs for southwest estuary management has been released by the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI). The Research and information priorities for estuary management in southwest Western Australia is the result of extensive consultation with estuary managers and researchers by the WAMSI Estuaries Science Steering […]

Kimberley moves on integrating Traditional Knowledge and science

A three-year project that has broken down barriers to communication between Traditional Owners and scientists working on Country in the Kimberley was recognised as a significant step forward by members of the working group at the 2017 WAMSI Research Conference. The Kimberley Indigenous Saltwater Science Project (KISSP) worked with Rangers from seven Kimberley Indigenous Native […]

2017 WAMSI Research Conference

This article was originally published on an archived WAMSI website. Some media or links may appear missing or broken. You can use the search function to look for these, or contact info@wamsi.org.au for a specific request. — The partners of the Western Australian Marine Science Institution are delivering two of the largest integrated marine research […]

Kimberley Marine Research Conference to share insight into pristine and extreme environment

The WAMSI Kimberley Marine Research Conference (WA State Library 28-29 November) is all about emphasising the impact of science, from sharing the many new findings uncovered by the research program through to ensuring that science is best used by managers for the conservation and management of Australia’s far northwest marine environment. We have invited government, […]

Dredging Science Node Conference: Results to inform management decisions

The end-of-program 2017 Dredging Science Node Conference brings together the results of one of Australia’s largest and most successful single issue marine research programs in the context of the environmental impact assessment and management process in WA together with an industry perspective. Dredging is required to develop and maintain ports that are vital to WA’s […]

Nesting Sea Turtles in the Kimberley: KMRP Presentation

Dr Scott Whiting, DBCA Dr Tony Tucker, DBCA Dr Nicky Mitchell, UWA Blair Bentley, UWA Dr Oliver Berry, CSIRO Dr. Kellie Pendoley, Pendoley Environmental Dr. Nancy FitzSimmons, Griffith Univ. www.wamsi.org.au/marine-turtles#presentations Kimberley Marine Research Program (KMRP) scientists recently presented the findings of their project to determine key biological indices required to understand and manage nesting sea […]

Australia’s northern seagrasses – resilience in the face of dredging

WAMSI Dredging Science Node researchers recently presented at the Centre for Marine Ecosystems Research Symposium. The presentations, as part of ECU Research Week, brought together the combined knowledge on Australia’s northern seagrasses and their resilience in the face of dredging. The WAMSI Dredging Science Node Presentations are available at www.wamsi.org.au/primary-producer-response-dredging#Presentations     Gary Kendrick et […]

Integrating science into marine conservation management

Kimberley Marine Research Program Science Coordinator, Dr Kelly Waples highlighted the success of the program in integrating science into conservation management decisions presented at the 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in NovaScotia. Dr Waples from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions used the WAMSI Dugong project lead by CSIRO’s Dr […]

Study uncovers northwest transition zone for Australian reef fish

Research has shown that a stretch of ocean surrounding the tip of the Dampier Peninsula, 200 kilometres north of Broome, acts as an invisible genetic barrier for a popular harvested tropical fish known as the stripey snapper. The findings highlight the importance of the transition zone at the border of the Kimberley and Canning marine […]