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Industry and science focus on WA marine research

Industry and marine research leaders presented the latest issues and findings affecting the future of Western Australian marine environment at the WAMSI research conference 2015 (Monday 30 March-1 April) launched by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier and Minister for State Development and Science, Hon. Donna Faragher MLC. Among the keynote speakers; Paul Vogel (EPA […]

Premier launches Marine Science Blueprint at WAMSI conference

Western Australian Premier and Minister for Science Hon. Colin Barnett MLA launched the WA Blueprint for Marine Science 2050 at the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) research conference (30 March-1 April). The Blueprint is an important initiative that aims to help government, research institutions and industry to better plan and collaborate on the priority […]

The Kimberley coastline: what lies beneath?

The ocean bottom supports communities as diverse as those of any habitat on land but learning about what lies beneath the sea off Australia’s remote and hazardous Kimberley coast is presenting many challenges for marine scientists. One project, which aims to explore and describe the nature of seabed life in the far northwest, is beginning […]

Seagrass helps protect natural ‘carbon sinks’, study finds

The disappearance of seagrass meadows could be contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, an international study has found. As ABC online reports, research conducted at Oyster Harbour in Albany found centuries-old carbon dioxide deposits have been created by seagrass meadows. Scientists at The University of Western Australia’s Oceans Institute, in conjunction with overseas researchers, discovered the […]

Going with the flow in the Kimberley

A Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) project is using genetics to see how ocean currents in the Kimberley transport marine organisms from one reef to another. Bardi-Jawi rangers, Mayala traditional owners and researchers from four WAMSI partner institutions recently conducted field studies along the remote and rugged coastline, collecting samples on exposed reefs at […]

Perth Canyon: first deep sea exploration

A group of acclaimed scientists will go where few others have gone before when they set out to unlock the secrets of a deep ocean canyon off Perth the size of the Grand Canyon in the US. A research team headed by The University of Western Australia’s Oceans Institute’s Professor Malcolm McCulloch, together with researchers […]