The Australian Marine Sciences Association, in conjunction with the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society, has announced their annual conference will be held in Hobart from 15-20 September 2024.
"We are excited to announce that we are now accepting submissions for symposium topics for the AMSA 2024 National Conference “Navigating uncertainty for a future sustainable ocean”.
The Conference Scientific Committee will select submitted topics to put together focused concurrent sessions that we hope will excite and engage all those attending the conference. If your topic is selected, the conference will invite abstract submissions to your symposium. Symposium Convenors will be asked to review abstracts submitted to their symposium and indicate which abstracts they would like to see accepted, but the final responsability for the program lies with the Scientific Committee.
Aside from simply suggesting topics relevant to your research, please provide names of relevant experts who agree to convene the symposia, and suggest someone (who could be one of the conveners) to present a keynote relevant to the symposia topic."