The End of WAMSI Conference 2011

The Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) was formed in early 2006 as a unique collaboration of state, federal, industry and academic entities that have come together in a way that supports cooperation and scientific rigour around the strategic marine science needs for the State of Western Australia. Independent, peer-reviewed public good research has been the hallmark under the banner: Bettter Science, Better Decisions. The WAMSI conference in September was a unique event that represented the culmination and celebration of five years worth of research effort and $87million dollars worth of research projects.

The WAMSI Conference brought together some of Australia’s most esteemed marine scientists and their teams who together provided remarkable outcomes and achievements of their collaboration.

This conference provided a unique opportunity for scientists to show their research with users of the information, including managers, decision makers, consultants and the community. It was an invaluable opportunity for all stakeholders influenced by the WAMSI’s three key integrating themes – ocean systems forecasting, biodiversity conversation and natural resource management – to participate.