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Coast and Ocean: A community biodiversity exhibition

In March this year the Geraldton community joined UWA Oceans Institute Artist-in-residence Angela Rossen in a biodiversity project to discover and document the living things of the Geraldton beaches.  Together they observed then drew, painted and photographed all the plants and animals of the coastal and marine environments. Geraldton Primary School Biodiversity Painting Members of […]

Marine science in top five State research priorities

Marine science has been recognised in the State Government’s priorities for the advancement and application of science that can help broaden the economy and create a new generation of jobs. A Science Statement for Western Australia – Growing Western Australia, launched by the Premier and Minister for Science, Hon Colin Barnett MLA, outlines the State’s priorities and opportunities […]

WAMSI Research Conference 2015

This article was originally published on an archived WAMSI website. Some media or links may appear missing or broken. You can use the search function to look for these, or contact info@wamsi.org.au for a specific request. — The partners of the Western Australian Marine Science Institution are delivering two of the largest marine research programs […]

GoPros underwater research tools of the future

An international team, including researchers from the Centre for Marine Futures at The University of Western Australia’s Oceans Institute, recently completed a study which has found GoPros to be a cheaper and easy to use camera for underwater videography, compared to more traditional cameras. GoPros are increasingly being used for underwater videography because of their […]

The adventures of team sawfish

Blog by Team Sawfish Sweltering heat, mosquitoes, angry crocodiles and swarms of flies characterise the typical late dry season (September-November) in northern Western Australia. And it’s here that Team Sawfish has found itself for the past 15 years , as we continue our research on sawfish. This past October, Dr Ruth Leeney of Protect Africa’s […]

Northwest seagrass in a world of its own (in the lab)

In the second part of our report into measuring the effects of light reduction and sediment burial to determine the capacity for northwest seagrasses to withstand change, we move from the field to the lab for some surprising results. The WAMSI Dredging Science Node project has brought together researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU), The […]

What is the Kimberley worth?

With her 11-month old baby in tow, Dr Jennifer Strickland-Munro spent five months camping along the 13,000km stretch that marks the Kimberley coastline to find out exactly how people value the area and what their hopes are for its future. The 2013 trek with her son, Samson and husband, Beau, from Darwin to Eighty Mile […]

Premier launches Blueprint for Marine Science

The Western Australian Marine Science Institution has welcomed the launch of the Blueprint for Marine Science 2050 as an important turning point to support future industry competitiveness and effective management of Western Australia’s marine environment and the Australian economy. The Blueprint, launched today by WA Premier and Minister for Science Colin Barnett, identifies the key […]

Industry and science focus on WA marine research

This article was originally published on an archived WAMSI website. Some media or links may appear missing or broken. You can use the search function to look for these, or contact info@wamsi.org.au for a specific request. — Industry and marine research leaders presented the latest issues and findings affecting the future of Western Australian marine […]