About the Program

WAMSI has partnered with Westport to undertake a major marine science program focused on Cockburn Sound.

The WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program was designed to ensure the environmental impact assessment for Western Australia’s future container port is informed by rigorous, independent science, and to assist and improve the management of Cockburn Sound now and into the future.

Marine scientists from WAMSI’s partner organisations are delivering over 30 research projects in the fields of physical, biological and social science to increase knowledge of this most important and unique Western Australian coastal ecosystem. More than 150 scientists are working on the science program.

The WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program commenced in 2021 and scientific reports from the program will be published on the WAMSI website.

For more information about Westport visit: www.westport.wa.gov.au

Program Management

Name: Dr Alan Kendrick
Project Role: Program Leader
Contact: Alan.kendrick@wamsi.org.au

Fact Sheets

Westport Literature Review and Preliminary Risk Assessment

WAMSI reviewed numerous comprehensive studies and reviews of Cockburn Sound for Westport in the 2018 Westport Literature review and preliminary risk assessment, which has been used to identify gaps and risks and inform the Science Plan.

WAMSI Westport Marine Science Plan

The Science Plan was developed in consultation with the Westport Program, WAMSI partners and expert scientists and includes a description of the program scope, marine science research themes and individual projects. A final Science Plan will be released at the conclusion of the Program.

Program Reports

Research teams have started delivering reports for their work on the WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program and will be published here on the WAMSI website.