
About the theme


Westport: Port and Environs Strategy (Westport) is a comprehensive research, data and feedback-gathering project to deliver the Westport Strategy. This will be an integrated plan to meet the freight and logistics needs for Perth and the South West for the next 50 to 100 years.

The Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) is working with Westport to provide marine science information to support their decision making. More specifically, WAMSI is interested in understanding gaps in marine science information to identify areas for future research focus.

The WAMSI Garden Island Causeway (GIC) Workshop was convened to assist Westport in making a decision on whether to pursue an opportunity to modify the GIC to improve the ecological health of the system.

To provide advice to Westport, WAMSI convened a workshop with 24 scientists and managers with expertise working within Cockburn Sound to determine whether or not modification of the GIC should be considered.


Program: Metropolitan West Coast

Location: Perth, Western Australia

Theme Leader: WAMSI, Wesport


Final Report