6.3 Ocean Glider Deployment as part of WAIMOS
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About the theme
The development of an integrated marine observing system for Western Australian (WAIMOS) was funded through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme (NCRIS) and EIF the Super Science as part of the Integrated Marine Observation System (IMOS) for Australia. An emphasis is made on the multi-disciplinary real-time data to allow the development of each discipline and their integration.
Under this project, multidisciplinary marine data streams were provided through the deployment of a range of instrumentation such as HF Radar, Ocean Gliders, Ocean moorings and acoustic observatories. Ocean gliders were successfully and continuously deployed for almost three years in the Perth region, and identified new deep coastal flows cascading off the continental shelf.
To collect temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, turbidity and CDOM data from the West Australian shelf and slope waters between Dampier and Fremantle. Monthly data from the Two Rocks transect and three monthly data from the Leeuwin current is envisaged.
Program: WAMSI 2006-2011
Location: Dampier to Fremantle and Two Rocks
Theme Leader: Prof Charitha Pattiaratchi (UWA)